Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let the journey continue...

As many of you already know I will soon begin a new chapter in my life, and hopefully a lengthy chapter, a book if you will. Don’t get me wrong, China has been great, but it has taught me that I don’t belong here. When I visited India 2 years ago I left part of myself there, a very big part. As much I’d like to say that I can go anywhere that God sends me and be completely happy, honestly I don’t think I can. With that said I am listening and moving. I am going.

Manipuram. Kerala. India. That is my destination. With all the money I have in the bank and some help from friends and my darling mother I will be joining a wonderful Indian couple to open our very own children’s home. We worked together in Nagpur (central India) before, and dreamt of having our own place. We were tired of waiting for the right time. There is no “right time” to help people. As of today Joseph is looking for a house for us to rent. (In time we would like to be able to build.) The prospects aren’t bad for a place in a good school district, but we’re still holding out for a nice house with a lot of land for the kids to play and so we’ll be able to garden. Riny and Joseph have also found 6 kids that are a perfect fit for our home. All parent-less, street kids, literally, they were found begging. It won’t be an easy task taking on children with such a rough past, but we believe that God can and will use us.

That’s all the news I have for now. Join me on this journey.



Sabrina Collins said...


I am sorry that you are not going to stay on in china, but thrilled that you are determined to open a childrens home in India. I would just suggest that you talk in depth with those who have experience with childrens homes, like the one in Honduras we help support, Por Los Ninos. If you want we can get you in touch with people associated with that home, just let us know. They might be able to help you step over problems that they encountered, and give you ideas of what to expect.

Love to you and Will, Brittany and Tex,

Ms. Sabrina

Kyle said...

I like this. Very cool, ha.

Love ya,


Mr.Bill said...

We will be watching and reading about your journey with much interest. Keep us up to date as things progress.


Jessica said...

I'm so glad you are blogging about this. He is going to do incredible things with your sweet spirit, I'll be following! Love!

William said...

Cool blog! Hope I can come visit!

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