Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Real Giving Tree!

I come bearing Christmas tiding and a pledge to be a better blogger in the New Year. Until then I want to share with you a story from Jubilee....

Last month I sent Riny, Joseph, and the kids a box of Christmas decorations. They wanted to decorate but living in a predominantly Hindu and Islamic country makes it difficult. I sent some colorful ornaments, personalized stocking for everyone, a singing penguin (which every home should have at Christmas) and a few other nic-nacs. They LOVED everything and were so excited to actually decorate. So, this past weekend, when the kids were out of school they decorated. The thing they were most excited about was the Christmas tree. They searched the yard for the most perfect tree, which just so happened to be a small(ish) coconut. They chopped it down, brought it inside, and got to work. Every ornament went onto the tree, along with the stockings, garland, and some Indian pizazz, a.k.a. balloons and streamer :). They even found some string lights in town to put on the tree!

Now to the good part: Across the street from Jubilee lives Amachee (grandma), Mamachee (mom) and the 2 kids, who are always at Jubilee playing. This family is wonderful and are always so good to the Jubilee family. It just so happens that they are also Catholic, which makes Christmas a very special time for them also. All the other surrounding homes are Muslim or Hindu so for Mamachee and her family having new Christian neighbors (us) has been a blessing. Since our Christmas tree has been in place the neighbor kids have been over to play as usual. Jino told Riny and Joseph how much the neighbor kids love the tree and how they wish they had a nice tree like it too. As a Christmas gift to Mamachee and her family Riny, Joseph, and the kids decided to give them the Christmas tree! The oldest boy brought his bicycle across the street, they loaded up the tree, carefully, and wheeled it next door. Being a big tree it won't fit inside (roofs to low) and so the Jubilee Christmas tree now sits in it's new place of honor, in front of Mamachee's home, for all to see. The Christmas tree has not only brought joy to Jubilee but to the whole neighborhood! The tree has given joy to everyone for it's beauty and also given way to lots of questions about Christmas!

What a blessing a box of ornaments has been for our little village of Chungathara. Praise God for His ability to use ANYTHING for His kingdom!

Merry Christmas from Jubilee


jenna said...

What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us, Carie! Love you and all of our family at Jubilee! Merry Christmas!!

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